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Oha (Ora) Soup


Ora (Oha) Soup, a South Eastern Nigerian delicacy. This traditional soup boasts a unique blend of Oha leaves, ogiri, and cocoyam leaves, imparting a thick and luscious texture. Reminiscent of bitterleaf soup, Ora Soup showcases the distinct taste of Ora leaves in every mouthwatering spoonful.


Traditionally paired with staples such as eba, fufu, pounded yam, or amala, this delectable soup provides a fulfilling and satisfying dining experience. The vibrant green color of the Oha leaves adds an appealing visual element to the dish, enticing your senses even before the first bite.

With each carefully prepared bowl, you can savor the depth of flavors derived from the combination of ingredients. The earthy notes of the Oha leaves harmonize perfectly with the subtle aroma of ogiri, while the cocoyam leaves contribute their thickening properties, creating a sumptuous and well-balanced soup.

Ora (Oha) Soup, a South Eastern Nigerian delicacy. This traditional soup boasts a unique blend of Oha leaves, ogiri, and cocoyam leaves, imparting a thick and luscious texture. Reminiscent of bitterleaf soup, Ora Soup showcases the distinct taste of Ora leaves in every mouthwatering spoonful.


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Monday - Friday 09:00 - 22:00
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